Save Aaradhya: A call to the nation to save a life

This documentary tracks one-year-long painful journey of three-year-old Aaradhya Mule who is fighting an end-stage heart disease. It shows the struggle of her hapless parents who are running from pillar to post in search of a heart for transplant

Save Aaradhya: A call to the nation to save a life#SaveAaradhya - Do you have a ‘Heart’ for this 3-year-old? (An English Documentary)   Who is Aaradhya Mule? Aaradhya Mule is a three-year-old Mumbai girl who is suffering from end-stage heart disease (Dilated Cardiomyopathy) in April, 2016. Aaradhya has viral myocarditis, which is a viral infection affecting function of the heart. Only 5% to 1% […]