Not washing hands as bad as eating raw meat, reveals study

According to a new study, not washing your hands after going to the toilet can spread E. coli more than eating raw meat can

Not washing hands as bad as eating raw meat, reveals studyUnless you’re a very thorough person, then we’ve all been guilty of going out of the bathroom without making sure we’ve washed our hands at least a couple or few times. And while that may be forgivable, we hope you don’t turn it into a habit because a new study revealed that skipping a post-bowel […]

Health tips for those who exercise on the weekends

Being inactive during the week and then pushing your body to exercise can be harmful to your health. It can significantly increase your risk of injury and can also impact your Body Mass Index (BMI). Even 45 minutes of exercise daily can be beneficial. We should try and practice a healthier lifestyle by exercising regularly over the whole week instead of only on weekends

Health tips for those who exercise on the weekendsThere has been a rise in the number of people who prefer to exercise on the weekends in the last 5 years. This is the result of rising awareness of health trends among the general population. However, the lack of time, knowledge and appropriate counselling permits people to exercise only on the weekends; such gym-goers […]

10 things every woman must inculcate in their life this year

There will be ups and downs that can test the strongest of wills and stress the strongest of bodies. Here are some key things to do this year so you can weather life’s ups and downs and stay on track with your health and well-being

Set up your doctor’s visit. This annual preventive care visit is key to keep you on top of your health. You’ll get a full check-up, plus any immunisations and screenings you may need. Meeting with your health care professional also gives you a good opportunity to address any concerns and set your health goals. Practice […]

Follow these 5 simple habits which can help increase your life expectancy

Want to prolong your life expectancy by more than a decade? A new study suggests that you can do just that by following these five healthy habits: never smoke, maintain a healthy body-mass index, keep up moderate to vigorous exercise, don't drink too much alcohol, and eat a healthy diet

Follow these 5 simple habits which can help increase your life expectancyAt an average of 79.3 years, Americans have a shorter life expectancy when compared to other high-income nations. But new research led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston has outlined healthy lifestyle factors that may be able to increase this figure. Adhering to those five lifestyle factors at age 50, compared […]

Indulgent grandparents can have negative impact children’s health

Although grandparents may be well-intentioned when they pamper their grandchildren and shower them with sweets, or give them a break from the strict parental rule that may prohibit certain foods, sugary drinks, or harmful behaviours, this is precisely the sort of conduct that can lead to negative health outcomes in the children

The University of Glasgow study, published in PLOS One journal, suggests grandparents are often inclined to treat and overfeed children. The study also found some were smoking in front of their grandchildren and not giving them sufficient exercise. But Maureen Lipman, a grandmother of two, said: “The grandparents’ job is always definitely to indulge.” The […]

How doctors who deal with germs all day long avoid getting sick

Continuous stress has been shown to suppress the immune system. But that's nothing compared with what these doctors go up against each day

How doctors who deal with germs all day long avoid getting sickDodging a cold can be pretty challenging when you’re working in an office. As soon as one person starts coughing, you can usually be sure it’ll get around the office faster than a bad email chain from Steve in accounting. If that’s not enough, continuous stress has been shown to suppress the immune system. But […]